Sunday, October 7, 2012


When i went to make my classes i chose the Pop-culture class without even getting a small idea what i'm  going to be studying. In these 5 weeks I've learned a lot about different cultures and how important a culture is. I've learned how a culture is like an ID for a person. I've also learned how America used to be a melting pot and how it now became a salad bowel, which is a wonderful thing. I think its wonderful because in this way people would remain with their cultures also people would become familiar with other cultures around the world without traveling to every place. we also learned about different songs and singers from old days and their songs had a meaning and an aim that they wanted to reach and i guess they did reach it.I think this is a great class and every student should take it. yes we read lots of hard readings but we still learn a lot of new things every time we read.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Palestine is a country that connects the three continents Asia, Africa and Europe together.  Palestine turns out to be a country that has a great culture starting with both maps for Palestine and America than i had the flag for each country. after that i talked about food. I've chosen the popular Palestinian dish which is called "Mansaf". Mansaf is a dish made of lamb cooked in a sauce of fermented dried yogurt and served with rice. In my poster i mentioned Knafa is the Palestinian sweet. I picked Knafa because Palestine is very popular in making Knafa especially Nablus city. Jumping to popular Palestinian  people or personalities that effected me in my life first the one is the first Palestinian president. He made lots of things to get peace for Palestine and Israel but sad thing that he died on Nov 11,2004. Another person was Mahmoud Darwish was a popular Palestinian poet. Most of his poetries were about love and war over Palestine. Then i had my favorite singer and my favorite Palestinian dress. I mentioned the american fashion and makeup trends because we don't really find the good trends in Palestine. I also mentioned the fast food because in Palestine you wont really find people who eat fast food as their lunch meal. Palestinians like home made food more than fast food.